Making Multi-grain Desi Pancake: Recipe, Photos.

Pancakes or thin, round flat cakes prepared from batter can take a desi twist. In this recipe below, I details how we can use multiple grain flours and other desi ingredients to make a nice, tasty (even sweet pancake). The process is simple: you just have to collect the ingredients, mix them with sugar (or sugar-free subtitutes or even a banana if needed) and milk (and some water) and spread it on the tawa.

This simple concoction gives you a lot of leeway; you have a lot of options on what to add and what taste you want it to take. I have even added an egg here but adding the egg is optional.

Okay , here is the recipe. The pics follow it.


Recipe type: Breakfast, Main, Snack (anything goes)
Cuisine: Desi (Indian), world (be my guest)
Serves: 2 (add more stuff if you got more folks)


Add the following; adding everything below is not necessary but discretionary.
Ragi atta, jowar atta, bajra atta (all 1-2 tsp), semolina (sooji; 1-2 tsp), oats (grinded or regular steel cut, 2 tsp), grounded rice (rice flour, 1-2 tsp), Maida (white flour, 1 tsp, optional); poha (chidwa; optional; 1 tsp), ground flaxseeds (omega 3 source; optional), dalchini and cloves (optional); 1 egg (optional), sugar or sugar-free; milk about 50 ml (add water if needed); cooking oil. Add a little amount of sugar-free only as 100g of sugar-free is about 1kg of sugar (unless you want it very sweet)


1. You may grind them if needed to make a smooth paste. Add water to give it a batter like consistency.
2. Just mix them in a bowl, add the egg and milk and water (if needed) and let it be for some time (ten mins). You may use it right away too. But it is good to give the flour some time to expand.
3. You may use only what you need for the moment and keep the remaining batter in the fridge.
5. Heat your tawa (girdle); spread oil (I used sesame oil).
6. Spread the batter; try to spread it thin, should be about 3 mm max in thickness. If it is thicker it wont taste good. Turn after some time. You may even cover it if needed to cook the flour mixture properly.
7. You may spread even honey on it after it is cooked. This is optional.
8. See the pics below to clear confusion, if any. You may try many permutation and combinations with pancake.

THE PICS (click to enlarge them)

Pancake desi