Cooking together with friend is a memorable day!

7 April 2015. My friend had told me yesterday that we will be going to his new home in East Delhi today morning. We left at about 8 am and came back by 12 noon.

In the way we decided to make chicken and rice. Chicken has a special place in the heart for many. I am not very excited by non-vegetarian food but I agree to it nevertheless. I have made it more than once mostly for others. I myself do not like eating a lot of non veg; I would even become a vegetarian some day.

My friend can’t cook much; he doesn’t have the skill and has no time to learn. He also doesn’t have the infrastructure except for induction stove.

I agree to his suggestion. The day was good. I would want to cook for us today. We buy chicken on the way: 1 kgs, and cucumber, onions and some green chillies. I have all other things I need; only these things were missing.

We are back to our place. He helps with basic processing. I show him a sample about processing onions. He cuts them accordingly. In no time, he has made a small mountain of about 1 kg of onions. That is so good. The friend may not be knowing cooking but he is very helpful with what he could do.

There is no power; summer is here, alas. I have to grind some masale (jeera, dal cheeni, ginger, garlic, chillies) and we are waiting for electricity after I have washed the chicken and marinated it in turmeric powder. Friend has peeled the garlic. He offers to grind masala in the traditional grinder (pestle). I am delighted; I am feeling a bit lazy. He did it really well. Slowly but surely he has grinded the masale. The resultant paste is not as smooth as a grinder would do it but that does not matter. It is still good and taste may come out well.

I heat oil in pan and start the process. My friend takes more initiative and peels cucumber, more onion and cuts tomatoes for salad. I am working on the chicken, frying the masala, onions and chicken in that order. He has been more helpful than I had thought.

In about 45 minutes, my chicken is close to completion. I have tasted it more than once during the process. The future doesn’t seem exceptional but it is good nonetheless. I offer a tiny piece to him too but he assures me that he will eat it later as I have tasted it and he trusts my judgement. I am a bit worried about his tastes and liking. He reassures me saying he believes I am an expert with food. I politely disagree, he smiles.

Friend has made this chicken worthwhile. I am happy we were both out of office today and took time out to cook food and for the morning travel. In some time, I have switched off the gas and chicken looks delicious. I leave it covered; it will set and get more tasty in some time.

When chicken was nearing its end over the stove, he took even more initiative and washed the stock of basmati rice with him. He gives it to me in a pressure cooker saying let the prestige cooker make 3-4 whistles (he knowns the whistles system with his cooker). Reassured, I put it on stove. I switched the gas off after 4 whistles and took lid out once it has cooled. Rice turned out well. Friend has been a godsend help with my food today.

Ah, what a day. With my friend. We are ready with all food we are going to eat: Rice, chicken with thick gravy, and salad.

He tastes it and says it is very fine. He tastes more, praises my skills. He really liked it. I feel less nervous. He praises more; he takes more rice. I feel happy. He is also very happy. He said he could eat much more if food is so tasty.

We still have chicken left for dinner. We will eat it with roti that we will make or buy. We also plan to cook more in future when both of us are free.

A simple Tuesday became a happy day with friend. No big things, no mad rush for income, no hurry and confusion. Just cooking with friend. A day spent well that will be very memorable.

In city life, where finding a home or apartment could be so much trouble to life, we must thank God for friends (or family) who make our life worthwhile with simple things that bring us joy in life. It tells you that you are not alone and there are people with you and #together you will win the battle and come out victorious.