April 2016 Food pics

New Delhi is #madeofgreat.

New Delhi or Delhi city, as you like it, is great in many ways. Drive, Design and Connect, these three parameters excel in the city among other things. There is an endless variety, style, options when you see the city New Delhi from the angle of driving in the city, the design (plan and architecture) and connection (roads, highways, transport arteries) that the city has to offer.

Let us discuss the three features of this city that make it great in the three said departments. To begin with, you have endless options to drive in the city, and out of it depending on how much time you have in your hands. The city has wide roads that you can burn your tires on. You can take the so many flyovers that dot the city. Or you can ride in the elite Central Delhi area which has even cleaner roads and is mostly empty especially on weekend morning. So, if you have your own four-wheeler, then feel free to get out and make your own path in New Delhi. New Delhi is also quite connected with road highways to many states; from Kashmir to Uttrakhand, you can use Delhi driving options to enhance your driving pleasure. And Delhi roads are better than most other roads of our country. It’s ready to deliver for your driving pleasures.

The design of the city excels in many ways despite the shortcomings that bug the urban development scene in the city. There is old Delhi which sports a chaotic design but which is very soothing to the senses. There is New Delhi (seat of government of India) which excels in design. And there is the rest of Delhi which presents a mixed picture. You have options: go see and drive around in the areas to know what you like and prefer.

Connect is important for the driver in us. Transport has little meaning if the connection is missing. It has to be well-connected; a well-oiled system of connectivity which offers seamless driving, travelling pleasure. Rest assured, Delhi is well endowed in this department. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that Delhi is city with maximum connect (or connections). Whether you are on road, or air or train (sorry, no water ways here), you have countless options to plan your trip, ride, drive, journey. You name it and Delhi is there offering you a driving options from lanes to roads to highways to national highways. Take your motor out and drive endlessly; bring it on: your cars, SUVs, battery-operated car(s), motor cycles, trucks, buses, what have you. New Delhi will not let you down.

New Delhi is #madeofgreat, to use Tata Motor’s hash tag. It sums up the drive, design and connect of New Delhi: made of great in these three ways. So drive in Delhi, enjoy the design and relish and exploit the connect.


5 things that can be done to keep a baby’s soft skin safe

Babies have soft skin and as parents and guardians it is your duty to keep it that way. It is very important that babies’ special needs are taken care of. Here is a quick list of five things that should be done and not all of them are about buying the right products.

1. The Right Products for the baby

Your little prince(ss) deserves the best products for his or her skin care. So buy the best sun lotions, the best soft cotton clothes and of course the best diapers in the market. Baby skin is super delicate; make sure you buy the right goods which are specially made for baby skin. Especially the diapers are very important; most of the time when the baby cries it is because of rashes due to bad diapers. Buy what is ‘softest for baby skin’. If it is not soft enough then your baby will cry and tell you more than once every day. So be very careful about the comfort and softness of diapers your baby is wearing. Baby in soft pants is baby in soft hands.

2. Teddy Bear, a Hat, Clean Water

Place a teddy bear in the corner of the nursery room will always keep your baby amused and happy. Happiness matters for skin too; it glows more when you are happy and smile more and is applicable to both babies and adult parents.

Okay, the next thing is that you cover your baby in nice, soft hat when (s)he is in sun. Sun rays can be a bit harsh for your baby; a nice soft hat on the baby would provide the right fun with safety.

The baby also should be bathed in clean, somewhat lukewarm water. Make sure you have some litres of clean water for their bathing care. And keep the child away from pollution. So save environment and work for mother earth’s care too and she takes care of the babies.

3. Daddy to Fight the Monsters away

What, daddy for baby skin?
Yes, the daddy. Baby skin and overall health and well being is also a function of the love and care of the whole family; thrown in even the grandparents. You think just products will keep the baby skin happy. Nah, the enterprise requires whole family effort. So make sure you are enough time to your family if you want baby’s skin soft and want to keep the monsters at bay.

4. Mommy, for the Hugs and Cuddle

Yes, Mommy has an indispensable role in baby’s well being. So make sure the baby gets enough hugs and cuddles and (s)he will be very happy and the soft skin will remain protected and flourishing. So mommy, be around the baby. (S)he needs you more than any product or family member.

5. Lots of Time to Baby will keep soft skin soft

Yes, baby skin will fade and lose its charm and health if the baby is getting only products and not the care and time of the family. Spending time with baby is precious. Once gone, it will never come back. So put that smartphone and TV remote away and spend time with the baby. ‘Child is the only hope that God is not yet disappointed with man.’ Spend time with the baby and her skin and well-being will have guaranteed security.

Follow the five care methods described above and take care of your baby and the soft skin (s)he has.
Pampers brings you the softest ever Pampers Premium Care Pants. Its cotton-like softness is #SoftestForBabySkin and allows it to breathe, thus keeping baby’s skin soft and healthy, and your baby happy.

Real Togetherness is Real, Not Digital.

Today we see digital togetherness all around us. People are busy with their phones which claim to be smart as suggested by the name ‘smart phone’ but the fact is that the smart phones are making us dumb by claiming to do our work for us. The smart phones are getting smarter and human beings are getting dumber.

Some of us may think that it is a hurried conclusion. But wait and watch calmly the life around you without the disturbances caused by your smart phone and you will get your answer.

What do you see? Do you see real togetherness, really? We only see that people are close and together with their smart phones. With their iPhones, Android phones, Windows phones, 4G phones, Blackberries, Dual-SIM phones and so on. The world is a smaller place today thanks to technology but it is clearly not a better place due to technology. It is not better because we are creating walls led by these digital technologies. The technology, the most pervasive form of which obtains in smart phones, is bringing us closer over phone and keeping us away from the real people in our lives who are right around us. We ignore those close to us and run after the people we could connect over smart phone.

It is our fault and not so much of the technology. We are supposed to use technology as a medium, as a vehicle, as an enabling instrument for greater goals of life. But when we confuse means with ends then we become slave of the medium (smart phone). This is exactly what is happening in our lives (which you can see in the Kissanpur TVC ad embedded below).

It is time we realized that there are real people around us who need a hug and a talk. Life is to be spent with real people and not to be wasted over smart phones however smart they may claim to be. Of course the smart phone has a huge utility in our lives but it is not meant to be a replacement of human life and relationships. It looks like the civilization evolved until this point to be doomed by smart phones!

It is time to connect with people, with real people: family, friends, neighbours. And not with apps and gadgets.

Nature can play an important role. Human beings as the most evolved animals always had a special relationship with nature. So how can we reconnect with nature in this age of lack of respect for environment, growing pollution and lack of regard for sustainable development? We can go back to nature. There lies all the answers. We can plant trees in our balcony, we can restore plants and vegetation in the nearby park, we can plan eco-tourism, we can join some organisation working for nature. There is so much that we can do to connect with nature. Nature can help humans connect with each other and also with the mother Earth.